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AD SUM DOMINE Musical is a non-profit organization which is supported by the Suwon Catholic Diocese in the Korea Catholic church, founded in 2005. Its members are all amateur musical actors and actresses, volunteers, who want to share the gospel through the genre of musical.


There are four pieces of musical performances: YES, TURN, Let's Go Together, and Who Are You?


  • Musical Faith (Myung-Do) is about Korean Martyrs who sacrificed their lives to keep their faith for God during Chosun Dynasty.

  • Musical YES is about Saint Virgin Mary as Mother of catholic faith. It shows what the faith should be within the Catholic family and communities.

  • Musical TURN sings the story about Saint Paul who crucified Christians before he converted to a Christian who believes Jesus is the Messiah.


  • LET'S GO TOGETHER is a Korean Traditional Musical for a community or church for its celebrating events.


  • Musical WHO ARE YOU? is a modern musical showing the possible problems that normal family members could face and what the family and the church play roles to solve the problems within our faith. 


All the performances are conducted in Korean, but the Good News will be translated into your faith and heart if you watch them.


If you have any questions, please contact us.



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